KSA makes its utmost efforts every year to facilitate the Hajj Pilgrimage and has brought out new initiatives to improve the Hajj operation both within and from outside the Kingdom.

Our 1st Hajj flight on 9th May 2024 from Pakistan arrived in Madina Munawwarah through the ‘Road to Makkah’ initiative and it was heartening to see the ease and comfort through which the Pilgrims arrived at Madina airport.

This year, Saudi Arabia has initiated the ‘Road to Makkah’ from Karachi also. It is the second city in Pakistan, after Islamabad, where this initiative has been launched. It is hoped that this initiative will be expanded in Pakistan next year to include major Pakistan provincial capitals like Lahore, Peshawar and Quetta. The Saudi ‘Road to Makkah’ program is a robust initiative that has won the hearts of Muslims all over the world. We are glad that this initiative that started in Pakistan, is fast spreading to other world capitals in facilitating smooth immigration and arrival of hajj pilgrims to Saudi Arabia. This year approximately 65,000 pilgrims from Pakistan will be facilitated through this Saudi initiative.

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