Press Release

Indian occupation and atrocities highlighted at Youm-E-Istehsal Kashmir in Jeddah.

JEDDAH: August 05, 2024. “Youme-Istehsal-e-Kashmir” was observed by the Consulate General of Pakistan and Pakistani community in Jeddah to express solidarity with Kashmiris in the face of Indian atrocities and violation of international laws and obligations. On this day India officially revoked the autonomous status of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) and imposed direct central rule.

The main event was held in the Consulate General premises. Special messages from the President, the Prime Minister, and the Foreign Minister of Pakistan were read out, stressing the significance of demonstrating unity with the people of Kashmir. Additionally, a documentary illustrating the current condition in IIOJ&K was screened, providing audience/ participants a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by the local residents inside IIOJ&K.

Key speakers on the occasion included veteran Kashmiri leader & former Convener of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), Mr. Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, Chairman Kashmir Committee Jeddah, Mr. Masood Ahmed Puri, Acting Chairman of Jammu & Kashmir Community Overseas (JKCO), Sardar Ashfaq Khan and Consul General of Pakistan Mr. Khalid Majid. Besides, students of the two Pakistani community schools also made speeches, representing youth.

The speakers highlighted the genesis of the Kashmir dispute and the ongoing situation in the occupied territory; condemned illegal, immoral and unilateral actions of 5th August 2019 by India; paid homage and tribute to the resilience of the Kashmiri people; appreciated the positive role by Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as the OIC for Kashmir cause; and presented various proposals as future course of action for a peaceful and durable resolution of the Kashmir dispute.

A cross-section of the Pakistani and Kashmir community as well as representative of the ethnic media participated in the event in huge numbers.

It was concluded with collective prayer for the martyrs of the Kashmir cause, early peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute and peace, progress and prosperity of Pakistan.

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