59th Defence Day Commemorated in Jeddah.

To commemorate 59th Defence Day in a befitting manner, a ceremony was hosted in Consulate General of Pakistan, Jeddah. The event served as an opportunity to celebrate the national event with traditional zeal and fervour for the Pakistani community notables in the western region of Saudi Arabia.

The event was marked with remarks to pay tribute to the nation and its defence forces in the war of September 6th, 1965. Special messages from the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan were read out, underscoring the significance of this day and recognizing the memorable sacrifices made by the soldiers.

A special highlight of the event was the rich and warm tribute paid to the late Syed Ali Gilani, for his memorable struggle and leadership towards the freedom movement of Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Speakers termed the life and role of Mr. Syed Ali Gilani as an inspiration for generations of freedom fighters in Kashmir.

Addressing the gathering Consul General of Pakistan Mr. Khalid Majid highlighted the sacrifices rendered by the brave soldiers of Pakistani Defence Forces. He paid special tribute to the martyred men and women as well as their brave families. He praised the valour and sacrifices of the Pakistani Armed Forces, who have always stood strong in defending the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. He reiterated Pakistan’s unwavering commitment to overcoming challenges and emphasized the importance of fostering strong international relationships to effectively address global issues.

The flavour of nationalism and pride was at full display through emotionally charged speeches delivered by young men from Pakistan International Schools. The youthful speakers while paying rich tribute to the unforgettable sacrifices by Pakistan Defence Forces, vowed to continue the tradition of courage and sacrifice to defend national sovereignty and integrity. The ceremony concluded with collective prayers for the martyrs of Pakistan, seeking eternal peace for their souls.

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